Sophie Hediger, a 26-year-old Swiss Olympic snowboarder, tragically passed away on December 23, 2024, due to an avalanche in Arosa, Switzerland. The incident occurred on a closed slope while she was snowboarding. Despite prompt rescue efforts, her body was found approximately two hours after the avalanche struck.
The federation confirmed and said: “We are speechless, and our thoughts are with Sophie’s family, to whom we express our deepest condolences.”
Who was Sophie Hediger?
Sophie Hediger was a Swiss snowboarder, born on December 14, 1998, in Horgen, Zurich, Switzerland. She specialized in snowboard cross and represented Switzerland in various international competitions, including the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, where she competed in both the women's and mixed team snowboard cross events.
Throughout her career, Hediger participated in multiple FIS Snowboard World Cup seasons, achieving notable success. In the 2023-24 season, she secured her first two World Cup podium finishes, marking her as a rising talent in the sport.
Sophie Hediger Partner
Sophie Hediger's personal relationships, including details about her partner, have been kept private. Following her tragic passing, Swiss-Ski, the Swiss skiing federation, stated that further details about her death would remain confidential, in agreement with her family and partner.
Additionally, in July 2022, Sophie announced a professional partnership with UYN Sports on her Instagram account, expressing her excitement about the collaboration.
However, Sophie Hediger's Instagram post reveals that Sophie Hediger was dating Dario Wuthrich, who is also a Swiss ice hockey player. Dario Wuthrich is currently 25 years old and plays for the hockey club Hockey Club Ambrì Piotta.
L’Hockey Club Ambrì-Piotta si unisce al dolore del difensore Dario Wüthrich per l’improvvisa e tragica scomparsa della sua amata compagna Sophie.
— HC Ambrì Piotta (@HCAP1937) December 24, 2024
Alla famiglia di Sophie e a Dario le più sincere condoglianze e un forte abbraccio da parte di tutta la famiglia biancoblù.
Dario Wuthrich completed his education in 2019 from the Kaugmann EFX, Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft. He then joined EVZ as a professional hockey player, before moving to the Hockey Club Ambrì Piotta in May 2023.